Even in the evolving technology of Wi-Fi, WiMAX and 3G offload market, wired network broadband adoption still continues to grow at its pace with hi-speed bandwidth and quality of service. Current market of broadband network is observing steady increase in the demand for advanced services of Internet video content and applications which is raising challenge for service providers globally. And to defend the cut-throat competition of pricing vs. advanced services of users, ISPs have to ensure that ARPU is also maintained.
24online wired network solutions can help you to easily deal with these problems and cater your customers with advanced services of their choice. 24online wired network solutions are playing vital role in supporting ISPs in most cost-effective methods with its comprehensive ISP solutions to cater the needs and requirements of wired network broadband users:
24online AAA solution with in-built RADIUS is developed with keeping scalability of wired networks and reliability of service quality in mind. 24online boasts of its NWG AAA + RADIUS solution which offers comprehensive features to manage internet services as well as user lifecycle for wire-line networks. 24online’s robust AAA solution is unlike other AAA servers available in the market with just authentication, authorization and accounting features. 24online’s comprehensive AAA constitutes of various features and functions from built-in RADIUS, Database, Voucher Management, Franchisee Management, User Session Management, and various sub-system functionalities. 24online AAA is provided with bundled features for fast-track wired network deployment, with facility to integrate with any external functions of your choice.
24online offers service gateway acts as access gateway at the centralized NOC (Network Operation Center), allowing small to large service providers to offer wired broadband, cable services, Wi-Fi internet etc to offer variety services in their region. 24online service gateway is a high-performance solution integrated with 24online AAA to be offered as comprehensive ISP solution for wired and wireless networks. 24online service gateway is a cost-effective and ideal solution for distributed network deployments for intact service access. 24online service gateway is also flexible and capable of integrating with third party RADIUS or AAA solution to provide fast-track deployments.
Service providers all over the world, Greenfield operators as well as existing operators, are moving towards the NGN platform. 24online internet billing system is an end-to-end billing solution for data services over wired and wireless networks. 24online billing solution offers prepaid billing and post billing with single invoice facility for converged services. 24online billing system facilitates necessary real-time discount services, ancillary services and taxes services. 24online billing system offers various advantages like avoiding revenue leakage, reducing bad accounts, predict usage and plan network resources to service providers.
24online subscriber management system architecture offers comprehensive unified data management platform to enable small and large Internet service providers with converge network and data services to utilize enriched information from local and external subscriber systems. 24online subscriber management system is highly flexible solution which is pre-integrated with external database like LDAP, active-directory etc. The comprehensive feature of 24online subscriber management system facilitates service providers to manage unlimited number of users in a dynamic network with user addition/updation/deletion management functions, user migration facilities and user authentication process. It enables service providers to easily manage major issues like revenue leakage, user management, user loyalty and analysis of network congestion.
24online meets the requirements of small to large service providers with its varied range of solutions and features to ensure continual connectivity of service. 24online facilitates service providers to offer online payment receive facility by integrating with well-known payment gateways in the market. With the help of this facility subscribers have the flexibility to easily make payments for their plans and enjoy uninterrupted services. 24online subscriber service integrations also includes SMS alert features which enables service providers to send SMS alerts for promotion of new services or payment reminders. 24online is already integrated with number of SMS gateways in the market, which makes it a ready-to-use solution.
Available on a single platform, 24online is a comprehensive solution offering AAA, access gateway, billing and bandwidth management solutions to various segments like Internet Service Providers (ISP), Hospitality, Educational institutes etc. 24online based access networks enables service providers to cost-effectively launch advanced services and reach thousands of customers, providing them with real-time pre-paid and post-paid billing, accurate service provisioning, franchisee management, pre-paid coupon management, policy control & QoS, and differential rate plans.